Gas sampler for algae bioreactors

This fully automated gas sampler is designed in cooperation with the Molecular Photobioenergetics Group of the Biological Research Centre of Szeged (Hungary).

The system is responsible for sampling the gas phase over a sealed algae bioreactor to measure the hydrogen production by gaschromatography.

If you are interested to integrate this device or a similar one to your system, please feel free to contact us.

Anaerobisator station for algae experiments

This simple gas distribution system makes it easy to provide an inert gas atmosphere in hypovials for algae hydrogen production experiments.

The system provides a constant gas flow for up to 30 bottles. The whole system is pressure regulated, and has a safety valve to prevent personal injury while working with overpressured glass labware. Eevery third output has an individual valve to save gas when most of the outputs are not in use.




CS-NOVALED v0.2 Universal plant cultivator

Conventional algae or plant cultivators usually lit the culture from above or from the sides. This new concept illuminate the culture from the direction you like. It can be used horizontally, from above or as in the picture: to illuminate the bottom of cultivating flasks. This new design consume significantly less power, due to less powerloss, while significantly increase the luminous flux.

The system is made of 9 high efficiency power LEDs that simulates the sun spectral distribution from the UVA region to the near Infrared. From the app you can adjust the spectral distribution as per your needs.

The system comes with an android application (IOS app is on the way) where you can set up methods for your experiment.

This version of CS-NOVALED consist of 9 high power LED panels, that can be adjusted individually to run different experiments in parallel. The maximum volume that can be handled is 9x500ml (Erlenmeyer-flasks).

CS-NOVALED is compatible with standard 300x300mm shakers and it can be operated between 0-40°C, which makes it compatible with incubators and cold rooms as well.